These days I feel lonely chirping
Is a scratch on every single seconds of my life
Blood dripping from every scratch like the rain
Who is the dark house, I will finish
It is the end to end of me
And the end of that is my freedom
Else return world, behind these missing, else returns end
Behind these cold days and full of pain
هیچکس با من نیست !...مانده ام تا به چه اندیشه کنم...مانده ام در قفس تنهایی...در قفس میخوانم... چه غریبانه شبی ست... شب تنهایی من!...
متنت زیبا بود ولی امیدوارم هیچوقت احساس تنهایی نکنی و دلت از غم خالی باشه.
and........I still feel the pain I still feel your love
In my dream I see you I feel you I awake so alone
pain & the love are diffrent ! I guess
But the thing which is important is that they (pain and love) are on the same boat! otherwise neither of them can have the real meaning they carry...
whatever that it is , we can't be away of Love because it may bring pain with itself ! because it's ofcourse the best feel of humanity in the world